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CoW Hook dApp

What are CoW Hooks?

Technical specification


Hook dApp - is an application that allows you to conveniently program an order to perform any action before or after a swap.

In the CoW Swap interface you can find several hooks for different tasks. For example, you can claim GNO from Gnosis validators before your swap. You can also specify an arbitrary call to a smart contract before or after your swap using the "Build your own hooks" dApp.

But that's not all. You can also develop your own application that will install a hook in CoW Swap! For this purpose, there is a custom application based on iframe.

In order to add a custom hook, you need to:

  • Click "add Pre/Post-Hook Action"
  • Go to "My Custom Hooks" tab
  • Paste a URL of the hook dApp

CoW Hooks are still under development! The feature is not enabled in tbe production environment just yet.
You can test CoW Hooks at


How to develop CoW Hook dApps

CoW Hook dApp is a web application that communicates with CoW Swap using post-messages.
For your convenience there is a npm library @cowprotocol/hook-dapp-lib which provides everything necessary to get started with your hook dApp development.


yarn add @cowprotocol/hook-dapp-lib
npm install @cowprotocol/hook-dapp-lib

It provides:

  • EIP-1193 provider to interact with a user wallet
  • HookDappContext which contains environment parameters (chainId, account, etc.) and current order parameters (sell token, validTo, etc.)

And it expects calling following callbacks:

  • addHook when a hook data is ready and can be added to an order
  • editHook when hook parameters were changed (edit mode)
  • setSellToken / setBuyToken if you want to change the trade assets

Quick start

Let's create a simple hook dApp that checks the COW token balance of the order creator.

<button id="actionButton">Add or edit hook</button>

import { initCoWHookDapp, HookDappContext } from '@cowprotocol/hook-dapp-lib'

// Encoded call of ERC20.balanceOf(account)
const CALL_DATA = account => `0x70a08231000000000000000000000000${account.slice(2)}`

let context: HookDappContext | null = null

const { actions, provider } = initCoWHookDapp({ onContext: (_context) => context = _context })

provider.request({ method: 'eth_chainId' }).then(chainId => {
console.log(`User is connected to a network with id=${chainId}`)

document.getElementById('actionButton').addEventListener('click', () => {
if (!context) {
console.log('App is not loaded yet, please wait a bit.')

// Edit a hook
if (context.hookToEdit) {
hook: {
gasLimit: '40000'
} else {
// Create a hook
hook: {
target: '0xdef1ca1fb7fbcdc777520aa7f396b4e015f497ab', // COW token
callData: CALL_DATA(context.account),
gasLimit: '32000'

Types specification

import { initCoWHookDapp, CoWHookDappActions, HookDappContext } from '@cowprotocol/hook-dapp-lib'

// context: HookDappContext
// actions: CoWHookDappActions
// provider: EIP-1193
const { actions, provider } = initCoWHookDapp({ onContext(context: HookDappContext) {} })


chainIdnumberfalseCurrent chainId in CoW Swap.
accountstringtrueThe user's account address. If not set, the wallet is not connected yet.
orderParamsHookDappOrderParams | nullfalseThe parameters for the order. If value is null, the order is not ready yet. See HookDappOrderParams for more details.
hookToEditCowHookDetailstrueCoW Swap supports editing hooks that have been created already. If the parameter is set, then it's in edit mode. See CowHookDetails for more details.
isSmartContractboolean | undefinedtrueWhether the account is a smart contract. undefined if unknown.
isPreHookbooleanfalseIndicates the position of the hook.


addHook(payload: CowHookCreation) => voidThe callback should be executed once the hook is ready to be added.
editHook(payload: CowHookDetails) => voidThe callback should be executed when the hook data is changed.
setSellToken / setBuyToken(token: { address: string }) => voidOptionally you can change the asset for sell/buy.


As stated at the beginning of this document, in the CoW Swap interface you can add your application as a custom application.
To do this, the application must contain manifest.json file with following structure:

"cow_hook_dapp": {
"id": "06a2747d08f0026f47aebb91ac13172a318eb3f6116f742751e2d83cc61b8753",
"name": "Your Hook Dapp",
"descriptionShort": "Your Hook Dapp short description",
"description": "Your Hook Dapp full description",
"version": "0.0.1",
"website": "https://your-cow-hook.dapp",
"image": "http://your-cow-hook.dapp/logo.png",
"conditions": {
"position": "pre",
"smartContractWalletSupported": false,
"supportedNetworks": [1, 100, 42161]

idstring64-bit hex application identifier (keccak256(YOUR_APP_NAME)). This value is used to match hooks in an order with the dApp that generated the hook.
namestringThe name of the Hook Dapp.
descriptionShortstringA short description.
descriptionstringA full, detailed description of the Hook Dapp.
versionstringThe version number of the Hook Dapp, typically following semantic versioning.
websitestring (URL)The URL link to the Hook Dapp's official website.
imagestring (URL)The URL link to the Hook Dapp's logo or representative image.
conditions.positionpre | postSpecifies the execution position of the hook, pre or post. If not set, then the Hook Dapp supports both positions.
conditions.walletCompatibilityHookDappWalletCompatibility[]Indicates whether the Hook Dapp supports smart contract wallets or EOAs.
conditions.supportedNetworksarray of integersList of supported network IDs (e.g., 1 for Ethereum mainnet, 100 for Gnosis chain, 42161 for Arbitrum). If not set, then the Hook Dapp will be available for any network supported by CoW Swap.

Advanced Hook Dapps

For more complex scenarios, such as transferring the buy amount to another smart-contract or other smart-contract related actions, you will probably need CoW Shed: